1659. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 November 2001 at 1:30 PM.

It is very interesting on how the devil works. Our house payment is over due by two days because I am two hundred dollars short of the full payment. Also, we have not paid any of our regular monthly bills. I asked my son if he had any money, so I could pay the house payment, but he said he had not been paid either. So I said to myself, "There is nothing I can do about it, so I will leave it to the Lord to take care of the problem".

Well about an hour later, I get a call from Office Max, the place where we had purchased our two computer desks many months ago. Office Max informed me to bring my desk receipt for the two desks I had ordered and they would refund me my two hundred dollars because they could not fill this order. I informed the man from Office Max, that I had received all the desks I had ordered. But he kept telling to bring my receipt and they would give me two hundred dollars. Well, as you know I cannot go and collect the two hundred dollars - for I have received my two computer desks. But this showed me how the devil works by trying to make it sound like this money ($200) was from our Lord. Also, as I was typing this up an empty water glass fell off one of my computer desks all by itself. No one was near it - it just fell over on its side by itself. This is very strange stuff! Or maybe the Lord was testing me. I do not really know, but I am going to keep working and let the Lord solve the problem.


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